Everything Else

2020 Halloween – Tokyo Treat Box

     Halloween be weird this year, right? I had plans to crochet a few cute amigurumi pieces…well, a cute Cthulhu, but I just wasn’t in the mood to do that this month and I didn’t carve a pumpkin either which is something I’ve been enjoying doing the last few years because we didn’t want to decorate the outside of the house.

     So yeah, I don’t have any Halloween crafts to show you this year. Want to see a box of Halloween themed snacks from Japan instead? I can do that!

     In a moment of frustration after getting an email from Gamestop Ireland saying that they’d fucked up their numbers (they might not have phrased it that way but it’s how I read it) with the amount of PS5s that they’d be getting and that my pre-order was going to get pushed to 2021, I decided that the thing that would make be happy was a box full of Halloween themed snacks from Japan.

     So I impulse subscribed to the premium Tokyo Box….

     ….But look at all the Japanese snacks I now have!

     So yay!

     And as bonus Halloween content, here’s the Halloween ornament I got for my sister for her birthday and the fabric I wrapped it up in.

     But that’s all the Halloween themed stuff I can think of. I’m just going to be cuddled up in bed watching Critical Role and eating snacks. What are your Halloween plans?

21 thoughts on “2020 Halloween – Tokyo Treat Box

  1. We have an oriental Grocery store about 45 min away… I just might have to go up there and grab some snacks, now. I go about every 6 months and stock up on all kinds of foods and rice based candies. Also teas, and some really delish cakes.

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    1. You just might 😀 Any time I go to the asian food store near enough to me I always stock up on so many rice based snacks. I’ve not been in so long because of the pandemic though because I don’t want to go near town so getting snacks in the post makes me very happy 😀

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  2. I love Japanese snacks! Canada is really good for imported goods, luckily. I haven’t been to the Asian supermarket in ages though! These loot boxes look like “a treat that’s hard to beat!”

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    1. Sadly not too many Asian supermarkets where I am – there’s one I go to sometimes but it doesn’t have a huge snack section so getting this box is a real treat 😀

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    2. I think it’s a still a good trade-off living in Ireland even if it means less imported goods. It’s a good thing that these subscription boxes exist! Is that KitKat Taro flavored? Taro is a type of sweet potato and it’s purple. The fanciest KitKat I’ve had so far is green tea 😂

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    3. They were apple pie flavoured, quite nice! The packaging for them was very cute – each one had a different cute ghost image on it. There were sweet potato pretzel sticks in the box though. I do love the amount of different flavoured kitkats there are in Japan I’ve been lucky to have quite a few sent to me by my friend over there.

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    4. Apple pie KitKats sound amazing! 😋 Oh wow! You have a Japanese pen-pal? So cool! My cousin lived in Japan for 3 years but he never sent me anything in the mail 😏 Hope you are having a happy Halloween. 🎃

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    5. They were pretty good! Yeah, I have two friends from my university days who both moved to Japan to teach English (actually using their degrees unlike me 😛 ) so I get some good stuff sent to me 😀

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    6. I wish I had kept in touch with the girl from Japan. I haven’t heard from her since first year uni. She used to give me treats and we would hang out in her dorm room and watch anime.

      What did you get your degree in? I have a degree in biology (which I’m not using either). 😛

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    7. I have a first class honours degree in Language, Literature and Film – sounds impressive when I say the full title like that…basically just studied English literature and minored in Japanese 😀

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    8. You can use your degree for your blog so it’s still useful. Writing is a powerful tool and being able to write well is important in this day and age.

      I majored in biological sciences and minored in nutrition and neutraceitcal sciences (NANS). A fancy name for the study of supplements and vitamins. Right now I’m struggling to get a degree in nursing – I keep getting kicked out of the hospitals due to covid outbreaks. 🤦‍♀️

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    9. Well most of my writing skills learned from university were about how to use as many words as possibly to say something very simple …I mean I do use that skill a lot in my blog writing! 😀

      Ooh, yeah, tough time I imagine to get through a nursing degree at the moment! I know there’s a lot of practical work experience as part of a nursing degree so I can’t imagine how hard it is so get that completed in the midst of outbreaks.

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    10. The science courses I took taught me to write simply. Profs would tell me that my essays “were an enjoyable read.” I guess my words are easy on the eyes? 😂

      It’s rough. I’m already with preceptor #3 and I don’t know how much time I have on this unit before they kick me out. Most of the units on that floor including the one I was previously at are on covid watch right now. It’s still my responsibility to get the required min. hours and I’m nowhere close to being done.

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    11. Definitely hard work being a nurse right now or trying to become a nurse.

      I know here that the nursing students obviously started doing their course work placements in the hospitals but they’re really just being treated and overworked like regular nurses even though they’ve not even graduated. So basically they get the danger of being a nurse during a pandemic but they’re not not even getting paid.

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    12. The struggle is very real. I failed a course and had to wait an entire year to repeat that semester, so it’s taking me longer than most people to finish school. On top of that, I feel a lot of pressure to do well and pass, meanwhile learning how to adapt to new environments after being transferred from unit to unit. It’s very frustrating, but at this point I just want to finish… even if it’s a messy pass. You are right – I do not get paid for going to clinical and feel like I am doing more work than the night nurses. It’s basically free labor for them.

      I am also pregnant and am constantly tired. I keep telling myself that I can relax a bit more in January even though January will be a hectic month too. I am due end of May 2021.

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    13. Yes, there is an end in sight, which is the only thing that is keeping me going right now. I am currently 15 weeks pregnant and it’s getting harder and harder to do things. I am looking forward to spending more time at home in the upcoming weeks.

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    1. Sorry my post has convinced you to spend money but also not sorry because Japanese snacks are great! I’d been wanted to subscribe for a while too and glad I finally did. It was a fun Halloween box! I hope the next boxes I get are just as good…as I may have subscribed for another three months… 😀

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