Crafts · Paper Crafts · Snail Mail

Yet More Colouring Book Pages Turned into Envelopes

photo-christmas-2016-presents-from-kelly-and-steve-colouring-books-1     Hey, guess what – I’ve been making some envelopes recently. What have I been making them from, you wonder? Colouring books of course!

     My sister got me a nice, large colouring book for Christmas specifically for the purpose of making envelopes and I’ve finally gotten around to turning a few into mail art!

     Usually I find that the best pages to turn into envelopes are pattern ones or flowers because with animals, I might not be able to get the whole face of the animal onto the front of the envelope and it might look weird. The colouring book my sister got me does feature animals, and large ones at that, so I was a bit worried about how they’d look on envelopes but I think they’ve turned out alright.


     I picked a few images I liked from the book and cut them down a small bit to be 10×10 inches in size because I was using my envelope punch board to make them. There are 3 different size envelopes the punch board can make from a 10 inch square piece of paper so I made one of each and was lucky to find that with each one, the animal’s eye was on the front of the envelope.


    With the first envelope, I wanted to colour it in, but I’m pretty lazy and I don’t have the attention span to really colour things in properly so I just used one marker colour and coloured all but the horns and eye of the animal in to match the leaves in the background. With a yellow marker, I went around the outline to make it pop a little. As the paper is pretty slim and I had soaked it with marker, I did use a piece of white card to make an envelope liner. Just using one marker is a nice quick way to add colour to colouring book pages, I think.


     With the second envelope I made, I did work up the courage to actually do some colouring, but I didn’t feel like getting all of my colours out so again, I used one marker and was selective in the areas I coloured in. I was originally only going to colour in a small part of the front of the envelope but I got a bit engrossed and ended up colouring a lot more than I had planned!

photo-colouring-book-envelopes-2017-3     I think the third envelope might be my favourite – I love this panda! I wanted to colour him in some way but pandas are black and white so it felt like it would be strange to make him too colourful. Eventually I decided on a gold gel pen to colour in the white areas outlining all the black sections. It was a bit time-consuming but I think the gold looks rather nice on the fellow.

     While I was flicking through the colouring book, I did spot two other pictures I wanted to use – a dog and an elephant. I wanted to do something a little different with them, not just use the punch board again. Having different sized envelopes decorated is handy so I opted for A4 size ones.


     I wish the elephant was large enough to cover the full front of the A4 envelope – I stuck it down and then had to figure out what to do with the space left so I just grabbed my white gel pen and started doing some dashed lines (when in doubt, draw dashed lines). I thought about making an envelope specifically sized for the picture I’d  cut out but I just wasn’t feeling up to that. The dog was easier to place on the envelope as the corner section of it kinda dictated where it would go. I glued it down and just to add something else to the envelope, I outlined it with a thick black marker and also added some dashed lines (like I said!).

     So those are the envelopes I have made this time round. Who knows, to any pen pals who read my blog, maybe one of these will show up in your mail box soon!

28 thoughts on “Yet More Colouring Book Pages Turned into Envelopes

  1. Hallo, Hallo!

    I’m starting to make headway back into letter-writing – however, I fell in love with colouring whilst listening to *audiobooks* – been half an age or longer since I’ve created mail art so you’re post today has truly inspired me! 🙂 I love the upcycled way you’ve re-used the colouring pages, plus it’s such a funky way of sharing ‘art’ and the joy of ‘relaxing’ into a colouring book with friends! Smashing, idea! Love too, how you picked designs which really *pop!* out at you!

    *To Cobs – I hear you on the angst of postal mail woes – I’ve started to created this lovely piece of mail-art for my friends but tucking it inside a plain jane envie – meaning, the artwork reaches them, even if the outside is just a bit more simple and plain. I *love!* sending mail art the traditional way same as everyone else but if it means having to get creative to ensure my friends ‘get my mail’ without issues, I’d rather mask the art and give my friends an extra smile of surprise! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment! Colouring books and audio books – double the fun and relaxation! (reminds me that I need to find some good audio books to listen too while I craft!)
      Wondering if your mail art will reach its destination is a worry of many a snail mailer – putting it in a plain envelope is a good work around to be sure it gets there safely. Plus, I guess the person has the fun of opening two envelopes to get to the mail!


  2. Emma, I absolutely LOVE these envelopes (and all the ones you’ve posted about before too)… but something is bugging me about copying you and doing the same sort of thing.

    A few years back I remember reading (I think in a Newspaper) about the rules/guidlines for posting items in our country. It wasn’t just about the various sizes and shapes of envelopes (as one would expect), but also about colours of envelopes (the article said that things posted in a Red envelope did hold the possibility of that item being returned to the sender, because, they said, red envelopes were sometimes difficult to read (the address), and so the item would have to be returned if the address wasn’t clear.

    Then it went on to say that highly decorated envelopes also had their problems because it could be difficult to even find the address on those.

    Of course … me being me, I’ve followed the rules ever since I read that article. If I have a card with a red envelope, I put it into either a jiffy bag envelope or into a board backed envelope – just in case! If I have an envelope with pictures or drawing on, I do the same thing. And I know that if I start doing this fantastical, amazing decoration of envelopes which you do (I SOOOOooooo want to do this), I know I’ll very likely have to put them inside another envelope – which kind of makes me miserable, because I want the receiver to see the beauty, sitting there on the floor when it’s been posted through their letterbox, or find in their post box.

    SO .. here’s my question … What do you do with your amazing, incredible envelopes when you’re sending them to someone through the post?

    Do you send them exactly the way they are? … and if so …. where do you write the name and address of the recipient, and where do you put the stamp(s)?

    AND … have you had any problems sending them? Refused at the post office, sent back, or the recipient saying that there was a sticker on the envelope complaining about it being decorated?

    I don’t want the post office confiscating an envelope I spent ages decorating, simply because I stepped out of their box and made an envelope look breath-takingly pretty!

    Love you oodles ~ Cobs. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks!
      Hmm, obviously there are rules for the size, thickness and weight of envelopes but I’ve never heard of colour.
      You’re not the first person who has asked about sending my mail – in fact, decorating envelopes was something I worried about too at first. I started simple to test the waters and slowly started getting more and more adventurous.
      I don’t think I’ve ever had problems arising because of the decoration of my envelopes. I’ve had a few letters go missing but some of those envelopes had barely any decoration so I chalk those missing envelopes up to just normal mail issues – sometimes things just go missing!
      I put my letters in the post box rather than go to the post office so I’ve never had the experience of something being refused. The odd time I send a package and have to go to the post office to send it, well, usually it’s my mom who goes there and she says that the only time the comment on the decoration is to say how happy it looks! I’ve never had a pen pal say anything about there being a sticker on the envelope complaining on the decoration. I follow a few pen pals via Instagram and blogs and sometimes they’ll post a picture of the mail when it arrives – never seen any problems there either.
      Once or twice, a letter I’ve posted has appeared in my letter box the next day – maybe the machine read the wrong address because sometimes I put my address on the back – and in those cases it’s just a matter of sending the letter out again, no worries!
      Other than add a sticky label for the address, I send envelopes out as you see them on my blog.
      When I make envelopes with busy patterns like with these colouring books, I always write the address on a white sticky label and put that over the decorating. That way the address stands out clearly and can easily be read even if the rest of the envelope is decorated. I think that makes a big difference. Also, even if I write the name of the person in fancy lettering, I always write the address in clear, simple letters so that it’s easier to read. As for the stamps, I just put them in the top right hand corner. Often when I decorate en envelope, I make sure to leave that part clear enough so the stamps can be seen easily. If it’s a busy background, I might first put a white sticky label down and put the stamps on that, basically so that there’s a white border around the stamps and they stand out.
      A lot of really fancy looking and decorated mail seems to get through the post fine judging by the photos on instagram so I think maybe there’s a lot of wiggle room with those rules that they make!
      So that was a long response but I hope it’s helped you!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Aw, thanks Emma. I think I’m going to just jump in with both feet and have a go. I won’t know unless I try, so I’m going to do it.
      (getting quite excited about it now. lol).
      Thanks for so much information in your reply. Bless you.
      Sending love ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I’m sure someone out there has use colouring pages for mail art before – I can’t imagine I’m the first person! I love finding ways to use colouring pages – they’re also great for cutting pieces out from for things like making artist trading cards and scrapbooking. I’ve not used them in card making before but I might try making some soon 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I use the We R Memory Keepers envelope punch board. It’s a great investment if you plan on making a lot of envelopes – it’s only about £14 on Amazon. You can also use it to make boxes and things – definitely look up some videos on YouTube for all the different types of crafts you can make with it! But you don’t need a punch board or score board to make envelopes – often when I just need to quickly make an envelope out of something like a calendar page, I just fold the paper myself without using any tools and eyeball it (measuring and me don’t go too well together xD)


    1. It’s easy to build up a collection of colouring books – they’re very popular gifts these days! Gotta find some uses for them, especially when the art work is often so pretty 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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